Come on in I-Ntu-You

R222.00 Inc.VAT

Who Are we?
Why Are We?
This book is a reminder that we are an exquisite mystery clad in skin, hair and bones, whose majestic splendour we have come to physicality to dwell in and savour.

Yola challenges us to have a real good look at ourselves, others around us and life itself, anew, with fresh eyes.
To reorient, so we are in a vantage point that allows us to see with clarity, the magical nature of our complete being(s).

When we can truly see, we are clear about our relationship to each other and to other life forms.
We see that we are surrounded by ‘helpers’, who are here specifically to rub against us to release the ‘genie’ of our majestic power to create and be immersed in the magical goodness and love that we are. The very thing we need to unknot the kinks towards a life a-blossoming!

The helpers keep us on mission.

Come on in, let’s go deep, and find our heart eyes and remember ourselves!
We can see beyond what our physical eyes remember.
We can ‘see in the dark’.
Let’s do it
Let’s get back on our Mission! What we have been sent for!
Our Reason For Being!
Our raison d’etre

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SKU: 9780620992251 Categories: , , Product ID: 335372
Weight20 g

Yola Motsieloa


Yola Motsieloa



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